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HiPure DNA/RNA/Protein Kit

R521102 HiPure DNA/RNA/Protein Kit 50 preps $273.00
R521103 HiPure DNA/RNA/Protein Kit 250 preps $1,193.00


The Kit provides fast purification of high-quality DNA, RNA and Prote from cells, tissues, and yeast using silica-membrane spin columns with a binding capacity of 100ug RNA. There is no need for phenol/chloroform extractions and time-consuming steps such as CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation, or precipitation with isopropanol or LiCl are eliminated. RNA purified using the HiPure Total RNA Purification System is ready for applications such as RT-PCR, Northern blotting, poly A+ RNA (mRNA) purification, nuclease protection, and in vitro translation.



Features Specifications
Main Functions Co-isolation DNA and RNA /protein from a single sample (cells, soft tissue, plant sample)
Applications SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and western blot, etc
Purification method Mini spin column
Purification technology Silica technology
Process method Manual (centrifugation or vacuum)
Sample type Culture cells, animal tissues, plant fungi, yeast, bacteria and other samples
Sample amount

Cultured cells: < 10^7

Animal tissue: ≤ 20 mg

Plant samples: ≤ 150 mg

Yeast cells: 2 x 10^6 - 5 x 10^7


The Kit isolates total RNA from up to 10 7 cells or 30 mg tissue. A short workflow enables RNAisolation with genomic DNA removal in less than 25 min. Samples are first lysed and homogenized. The lysate is passed through a DNA Mini column, ethanol is added to the flow-through, and the sample is applied to an RNA column. RNA binds to the membrane and contaminants are washed away. High-quality RNA is eluted in as little as 30 µl water using the Kit.


  • High quality - high purity total RNA / DNA can be directly used in a variety of downstream applications
  • Fast - column method can complete the extraction of several samples in 30 minutes
  • Safe - no phenol chloroform extraction required
  • Simultaneous extraction- simultaneously isolate DNA and RNA from one sample

Kit Contents

Contents R521102 R521103
Purification Times 50 Preps 250 Preps
HiPure DNA Mini Columns 50 250
HiPure RNA Mini Columns 50 250
2ml Collection Tubes
2 x 250
Buffer RLC
50 ml
200 ml
Buffer GW1*
22 ml
66 ml
Buffer RW1 50 ml 200 ml
Buffer RW2* 50 ml 3 x 50  ml
RNase Free Water 10 ml 30 ml
Elution Buffer 10 ml 30 ml
Buffer ALO(5%SDS)
10 ml
30 ml

Storage and Stability

HiPure Kit can be stored dry at room temperature (15–25°C) and are stable for at least 18 months under these conditions. During shipment, crystals or precipitation may form in the Buffer RLC. Dissolve by warming buffer to 37°C.


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